Eva.js base on Matterjs, At present, only a small part of the content has been accessed. If more content is needed, continue to access it.
With NPM
tnpm install @eva/plugin-matterjs
In Browser
<script src=""></script>
// 1. Introduced after installing the physics engine
import {PhysicsSystem, Physics, PhysicsType} from '@eva/plugin-matterjs';
// 2. Register the plugin in EVA
const game = new Game({
autoStart: true,
frameRate: 60,
systems: [
new RendererSystem({
transparent: true,
canvas: canvasNode,
backgroundColor: 0xfee79d,
width: 750,
height: 1624,
resolution: 2,
new GraphicsSystem(),
new PhysicsSystem({
resolution: 2, // Keep the resolution of the RendererSystem consistent
// isTest: true, // Whether to enable debugging mode
// element: document.getElementById('game-container'), // Mount point of canvas node in debug mode
world: {
gravity: {
y: 2, // gravity
mouse: {
open: true,
new TextSystem(),
new ImgSystem(),
new EventSystem(),
// 3. New game entity object
const box = new GameObject('box', {
size: {
width: 75,
height: 75,
position: {
x: 75 + Math.random() * 300,
y: 75,
// Origin will be mapped to the center of mass of the physical system, which is the geometric center of the physics in a two-dimensional environment. It must be fixed here as {x:0.5,y:0.5}
origin: {
x: 0.5,
y: 0.5,
// 4. Add Componet to the game object
const physics = box.addComponent(
new Physics({
type: PhysicsType.RECTANGLE,
// body:{
// options:{
bodyOptions: {
isStatic: false, // Whether the object is still, any force acting on the object in a static state will not produce any effect
restitution: 0.8,
frictionAir: 0.1,
friction: 0,
frictionStatic: 0,
force: {
x: 0,
y: 0,
stopRotation: true, // default false, usually do not need to be set
//Currently supported collision events collisionStart collisionActive collisionEnd
//Rigid body events tick, beforeUpdate, afterUpdate, beforeRender, afterRender, afterTick usually use beforeUpdate and afterUpdate
physics.on('collisionStart', (gameObject1, gameObject2) => {});
type PhysicsType
rigid body model shape.
regular polygon
Number of sides while type with POLYGON
The radius of POLYGON
Visiting Matterjs offical to learn more.